Privacy Policy of the TATTOOME.EU Store ("Store")

Dear User!

We care about your privacy and we want you to feel comfortable while using our services. Therefore, below we present the most important information about the rules for processing your personal data by us and cookies that are used by our Store. This information has been prepared taking into account the GDPR, i.e. the general regulation on data protection.


MICHAŁ PSUT, an entrepreneur running a business under the name MICHAŁ PSUT TATTOOME.EU  entered into the Central Register and Information on Economic Activity kept by the minister competent for economy and keeping the Central Register and Information on Economic Activity, NIP 7732291041, REGON number 592255773, RZOZÓW 354 32-052 RADZISZÓW

If you want to contact us in relation to the processing of your personal data by us, please write to us at the following e-mail address: ANETA@TATTOOME.EU


You have the right to request:

  • access to your personal data (Article 15 of the GDPR),
  • rectify them (Article 16 of the GDPR),
  • deletion (Article 17 of the GDPR),
  • processing restrictions (Article 18 of the GDPR),
  • transferring data to another administrator (Article 20 of the GDPR).

And also the law:

  • object at any time to the processing of your data:
    • for reasons related to your particular situation - to the processing of personal data concerning you, based on art. 6 sec. 1 lit. f GDPR (i.e. on the legitimate interests pursued by us) (Article 21 (1) of the GDPR);

Please contact us if you want to exercise your rights. You can express your objection to our use of cookies (about which you can read below) using the appropriate browser settings.

If you believe that your data is being processed unlawfully, you can submit a complaint to the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.


Below you will find detailed information on the processing of your data depending on your actions.

1. Placing an order in the Store

For what purpose?
processing your order
On what basis?
sales contract (Article 6 (1) (b) of the GDPR) legal obligation related to accounting, obliging us to process your personal data (Article 6 (1) (c) of the GDPR)
How long?
for the duration of the above-mentioned contract until the expiry of the legal obligation related to accounting
in addition, your data will be processed until the end of the period in which it is possible to pursue claims - by you or by us
(see the last table of this section for more information)
What will happen if you do not provide your data?
you will not be able to place an order

2. Creating an account in the Store

For what purpose?
implementation of the contract for the provision of account management services in the Store
On what basis?
contract for the provision of services (Article 6 (1) (b) of the GDPR)
How long?
until the account is deleted by you or by us at your request
in addition, your data will be processed until the end of the period in which it is possible to pursue claims - by you or by us
(see the last table of this section for more information)
What will happen if you do not provide your data?
you will not be able to create an account and use its functions, such as viewing order history or checking the status of an order

3. Establishing contact with us (e.g. to ask a question)

For what purpose?
handling your inquiries or notifications
On what basis?
the contract or actions taken at your request to conclude it (Article 6 (1) (b) of the GDPR) - if your inquiry or notification concerns a contract to which we are or may be a party our legitimate interest in processing your data in order to communicate with you (Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR) - if your inquiry or notification is not related to the contract
How long?
for the duration of the contract binding us or - if the contract is not concluded - until the end of the claim period - see the last table in this section * until the end of the claim period - see the last table of this section - or until we consider your objection to processing *
in addition, your data will be processed until the end of the period in which it is possible to pursue claims - by you or by us
(see the last table of this section for more information)
What will happen if you do not provide your data?
we will not be able to respond to your inquiry or application
* depending on which is applicable and which is the earliest

4. Browser settings or other similar action permitting analytical activities

For what purpose?
analysis of the way you use and navigate the Store's website in order to adapt the website to the needs and behavior of Users
(you can read more about this in the "Analytical activities" and "Cookies" section of the Privacy Policy)
On what basis?
our legitimate interest in the processing of data for the above-mentioned purpose (Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR)
How long?
until the cookies used for analytical purposes expire or delete them
What will happen if you do not provide your data?
we will not take into account your preferences regarding the use of the Store in the works on its development
* depending on which is applicable and which is the earliest

5. Taking an action or omission that may result in claims related to the Store or our services

For what purpose?
establishing, investigating or defending any claims related to the concluded contract or provided services
On what basis?
our legitimate interest in the processing of personal data for the above-mentioned purpose (Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR)
How long?
until the expiry of the limitation period for claims or until we consider your objection to processing *
What will happen if you do not provide your data?
no possibility to establish, assert or defend claims
* depending on which is applicable and which is the earliest


If you decide to publish a comment, its content and your signature will be visible to other users of the Store.

We do not disclose your e-mail address to other users - unless you do so yourself.


As part of the Store, we conduct analytical activities aimed at increasing its intuitiveness and accessibility - it will happen to you if you allow such activities. As part of the analysis, we will take into account the way you move around the Store - e.g. how much time you spend on a given subpage, or which places in the Store you click. Thanks to this, we can adjust the layout and appearance of the Store and the content posted therein to the needs of Users.


When processing your personal data, we use organizational and technical measures in accordance with the applicable law, including encryption of the connection with an SSL certificate.


Our Store, like most websites, uses the so-called cookies (cookies). These files:

  • are saved in the memory of your device (computer, telephone, etc.);
  • do not change the settings of your device.

In this Store, cookies are used for the purposes of:

  • a) "necessary" cookies, enabling the use of services available on the website, e.g. authentication cookies used for services that require authentication on the website,
  • b) cookies used to ensure security, e.g. used to detect fraud in the field of authentication within the website,
  • c) cookies, enabling the collection of information on the use of website pages,
  • d) "Functional" cookies, enabling "remembering" the settings selected by the user and personalizing the user interface, e.g. in terms of the language or region the user comes from, font size, website appearance, etc.,
  • e) "Advertising" cookies, enabling users to provide advertising content more tailored to their interests.

To learn how to manage cookies, including how to disable them in your browser, you can use your browser's help file. You can read the information on this subject by pressing the F1 key in the browser. In addition, relevant tips can be found on the following subpages, depending on the browser you use:

By using the appropriate options of your browser, you can at any time:

  • delete cookies,
  • block the use of cookies in the future.

In such cases, we will no longer process them.

More information about cookies can be found on Wikipedia.


We use the services of external entities that support us in running our business. We entrust them with processing your data - these entities process data only on our documented instruction.

Below you will find a list of recipients of your data:
any action in connection with the Store operator of the internet trading platform no
placing an order in the Store entity providing the delivery of the goods entity providing the delivery of the goods
accounting Office no


relevant public authorities to the extent that we are required to provide them with data.